CITIZEN INQUIRIES – NOT TO EXCEED 30 MINUTES Citizen inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per person, three speakers to a subject. Preference is given to speakers addressing agenda items. Responses are limited to a recitation of existing policy or a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation or decision by Council shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda of a future meeting.
Resolution authorizing agreement with Texas Department of Transportation authorizing use of I-45 right-of-way at FM 2854 for park and ride project.
Memorandum of Understanding with Montgomery County Utility Districts 3 and 4 concerning annexation procedures.
Resolution consenting to issuance of bonds by Montgomery County Municipal Utility District 107 (Graystone Hills in-city MUD).
Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Conroe, Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012; execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and approving all other related matters.
Ordinance authorizing issuance of City of Conroe, Texas Certificates of Obligation Series 2012; entering into a Purchase Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and other related matters.
Approve contract with OMNI/DPS for denial of renewal of driver’s license for failure to pay fines on traffic citations.
Consider action to award bid for water and sewer main construction materials to facilitate airport runway extension.
Consider action to award bid for water main construction materials to provide City water to White Oak Manor Subdivision.
Award of uniform bid for provision of uniforms for Public Works, Parks Maintenance, Fleet, Utility Billing, Purchasing and Tower personnel.
CITIZEN INQUIRIES – NOT TO EXCEED 30 MINUTES Citizen inquiries are limited to 3 minutes per person, three speakers to a subject. Preference is given to speakers addressing agenda items. Responses are limited to a recitation of existing policy or a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation or decision by Council shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda of a future meeting.
Resolution authorizing agreement with Texas Department of Transportation authorizing use of I-45 right-of-way at FM 2854 for park and ride project.
Memorandum of Understanding with Montgomery County Utility Districts 3 and 4 concerning annexation procedures.
Resolution consenting to issuance of bonds by Montgomery County Municipal Utility District 107 (Graystone Hills in-city MUD).
Ordinance authorizing the issuance of City of Conroe, Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012; execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and approving all other related matters.
Ordinance authorizing issuance of City of Conroe, Texas Certificates of Obligation Series 2012; entering into a Purchase Agreement and a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement and other related matters.
Approve contract with OMNI/DPS for denial of renewal of driver’s license for failure to pay fines on traffic citations.
Consider action to award bid for water and sewer main construction materials to facilitate airport runway extension.
Consider action to award bid for water main construction materials to provide City water to White Oak Manor Subdivision.
Award of uniform bid for provision of uniforms for Public Works, Parks Maintenance, Fleet, Utility Billing, Purchasing and Tower personnel.