Approve providing water and sewer service to Epcon Industries, 17777 I45 S, at commercial double water and sewer rates.
Consider Ordinance authorizing participation in coalition of cities cooperating in regulatory matters concerning Entergy Texas, Inc.
6. Consider Resolution authorizing Interlocal Agreement with Brazos Transit District relating to administration of Federal Transit Administration Bus Livability Program grant. 7. Consider Interlocal Agreement authorizing the exercise of eminent domain by Montgomery County within the corporate limits of Conroe for the purpose of acquiring right-of-way to improve Hawthorne Road.
Presentation of the Quarterly Investment Report for the first quarter of FY 11-12 by the Director of Finance and Administration.
Financial Management Policy Review including Purchasing Policy, Revenue Handling Manual, Investment Policy, and Arbitrage Policy.
14. Consider action to award the bid for two heavy duty dump trucks as listed in the vehicle and equipment replacement fund. 15. Consider action to award the bid for water / sewer construction equipment as listed in the replacement fund. 16. Consider on the reappointment of Oscar Johnson, Jr. Community Center Advisory Board Members. 17. Minutes of Council Meetings held January 11 & 12, 2012. 18. Payment of statements. Adjourn.
Approve providing water and sewer service to Epcon Industries, 17777 I45 S, at commercial double water and sewer rates.
Consider Ordinance authorizing participation in coalition of cities cooperating in regulatory matters concerning Entergy Texas, Inc.
6. Consider Resolution authorizing Interlocal Agreement with Brazos Transit District relating to administration of Federal Transit Administration Bus Livability Program grant. 7. Consider Interlocal Agreement authorizing the exercise of eminent domain by Montgomery County within the corporate limits of Conroe for the purpose of acquiring right-of-way to improve Hawthorne Road.
Presentation of the Quarterly Investment Report for the first quarter of FY 11-12 by the Director of Finance and Administration.
Financial Management Policy Review including Purchasing Policy, Revenue Handling Manual, Investment Policy, and Arbitrage Policy.
14. Consider action to award the bid for two heavy duty dump trucks as listed in the vehicle and equipment replacement fund. 15. Consider action to award the bid for water / sewer construction equipment as listed in the replacement fund. 16. Consider on the reappointment of Oscar Johnson, Jr. Community Center Advisory Board Members. 17. Minutes of Council Meetings held January 11 & 12, 2012. 18. Payment of statements. Adjourn.