Resolution granting a variance to the Residential Building Setback Ordinance for the Woodmark Subdivision.
Clarification on bid award to Restoration Services, Inc. on replacement of lower roof on the City Hall building.
Ordinance denying the rate increase request of Entergy Texas, Inc., filed on November 28, 2011.
7. Award of Water Well No. 23 – Catahoula Aquifer. T. Toland 8. Award of Water Well No. 24 – Catahoula Aquifer.
Resolution granting a variance to the Residential Building Setback Ordinance for the Woodmark Subdivision.
Clarification on bid award to Restoration Services, Inc. on replacement of lower roof on the City Hall building.
Ordinance denying the rate increase request of Entergy Texas, Inc., filed on November 28, 2011.
7. Award of Water Well No. 23 – Catahoula Aquifer. T. Toland 8. Award of Water Well No. 24 – Catahoula Aquifer.