CALL TO ORDER CALL OF ROLL A. Consider and approve a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City and Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 95 (MUD 95) which is located off Highway 242, east of I-45 in the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of the City, to provide for the future annexation of MUD 95 and the provision of water supply and wastewater services prior to the annexation and in the future, and setting out the terms and conditions of said services and other considerations. B. Conduct First Public Hearing on a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City and Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 95 (MUD 95) which is located off Highway 242, east of I-45 in the Extra- Territorial Jurisdiction of the City, to provide for the future annexation of MUD 95 and the provision of water supply and wastewater services prior to the annexation and in the future, and setting out the terms and conditions of said services and other considerations. • Recess Open Meeting • Conduct Hearing and receive comments • Reconvene Open Meeting
Consider and approve a contract award to American Civil Engineering Services, L.P. (ACES for professional services related to the Strategic partnership Agreement between the City and Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 95 for the master plan and design of the extension of the water and wastewater services to MUD 95 with a cost not to exceed $200,000.
Amend the Code of Ordinances to require all electrical and mechanical equipment for new construction be elevated above the base flood elevation.
Consider and approve a service agreement between the City and National Sign Plazas, Inc. to install and maintain directional signage to subdivisions, developers, homebuilders and other way-finding landmarks within the City of Conroe, and to promote, install and maintain the Sign Plazas, including the sign panels, consistent with a style approved by the City.
J. Discussion regarding funding to migrate the City from Incode Version VIII to Version X. K. National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) cooperative purchasing membership.
CALL TO ORDER CALL OF ROLL A. Consider and approve a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City and Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 95 (MUD 95) which is located off Highway 242, east of I-45 in the Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of the City, to provide for the future annexation of MUD 95 and the provision of water supply and wastewater services prior to the annexation and in the future, and setting out the terms and conditions of said services and other considerations. B. Conduct First Public Hearing on a Strategic Partnership Agreement between the City and Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 95 (MUD 95) which is located off Highway 242, east of I-45 in the Extra- Territorial Jurisdiction of the City, to provide for the future annexation of MUD 95 and the provision of water supply and wastewater services prior to the annexation and in the future, and setting out the terms and conditions of said services and other considerations. • Recess Open Meeting • Conduct Hearing and receive comments • Reconvene Open Meeting
Consider and approve a contract award to American Civil Engineering Services, L.P. (ACES for professional services related to the Strategic partnership Agreement between the City and Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 95 for the master plan and design of the extension of the water and wastewater services to MUD 95 with a cost not to exceed $200,000.
Amend the Code of Ordinances to require all electrical and mechanical equipment for new construction be elevated above the base flood elevation.
Consider and approve a service agreement between the City and National Sign Plazas, Inc. to install and maintain directional signage to subdivisions, developers, homebuilders and other way-finding landmarks within the City of Conroe, and to promote, install and maintain the Sign Plazas, including the sign panels, consistent with a style approved by the City.
J. Discussion regarding funding to migrate the City from Incode Version VIII to Version X. K. National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) cooperative purchasing membership.