Award bid for apparatus service and repair to Siddons Martin Apparatus for FY 11-12.
Discuss Change Order Request No.1 for Horseshoe Construction on the White Oak Back, San Jacinto & Oak Hollow Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation Project.
Discuss and approve a Resolution re-appointing members and adding a new member to the CDBG Citizens Advisory Committee and setting terms of appointment.
Discuss and approve a Resolution approving the City’s Fair Housing Activity Statement – Texas (the FHAST) as required by the Texas Government Land Office (the GLO)for the purpose of participating in Hurricane Ike Round 2.2 grant funding.
Discuss action to add to FY 11-12 CIP the extension of FM 1314 across the old creosote plant site.
Discuss action to add to FY 11-12 CIP the extension of FM 1314 across the old creosote plant site.
K. Briefing – The Council will be briefed on and may discuss any item on the Action Agenda. L. Council Members Inquiry Time – Pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.042 the Mayor or Council Members may inquire about a subject not specifically listed on this agenda. Responses are limited to a recitation of existing policy or a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation or decision shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda of a future
Award bid for apparatus service and repair to Siddons Martin Apparatus for FY 11-12.
Discuss Change Order Request No.1 for Horseshoe Construction on the White Oak Back, San Jacinto & Oak Hollow Sanitary Sewer Line Rehabilitation Project.
Discuss and approve a Resolution re-appointing members and adding a new member to the CDBG Citizens Advisory Committee and setting terms of appointment.
Discuss and approve a Resolution approving the City’s Fair Housing Activity Statement – Texas (the FHAST) as required by the Texas Government Land Office (the GLO)for the purpose of participating in Hurricane Ike Round 2.2 grant funding.
Discuss action to add to FY 11-12 CIP the extension of FM 1314 across the old creosote plant site.
Discuss action to add to FY 11-12 CIP the extension of FM 1314 across the old creosote plant site.
K. Briefing – The Council will be briefed on and may discuss any item on the Action Agenda. L. Council Members Inquiry Time – Pursuant to Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 551.042 the Mayor or Council Members may inquire about a subject not specifically listed on this agenda. Responses are limited to a recitation of existing policy or a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry. Any deliberation or decision shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on the agenda of a future