Consider Resolution regarding four proposed annexation parcels for 2014 described as: 1) 2014-04, Sapp Road, MUD 142; 2) 2014-05, Longmire A; 3) 2014-06, Longmire B; 4) 2014-07 Girl Scout Camp and take actions to prepare for final annexation of proposed parcels.
Consider Resolution adopting the CDBG 2014 Annual Action Plan and authorizing the Mayor to sign all documents for transmittal to U.S. Dept. of HUD and for acceptance and implementation of the grant.
Consider award for professional design service contract to ESPA for the park and ride facility at IH-45 and FM 2854.
Consider approval for purchase of new switches for the City’s networking infrastructure (DIR Contract # - DIR-SDD-1364).
14. Consideration of Board and Commission absences. 15. Consideration of appointments of Planning Commission members. 16. Consideration of Financial Status Report for Lone Star Convention and Expo. 17. Consideration of Minutes of Council Meetings held April 23 & 24, 2014, May 21, 2014 Special Meeting and May 21 & 22, 2014. 18. Consideration of payment of statements. Adjourn.
Consider Resolution regarding four proposed annexation parcels for 2014 described as: 1) 2014-04, Sapp Road, MUD 142; 2) 2014-05, Longmire A; 3) 2014-06, Longmire B; 4) 2014-07 Girl Scout Camp and take actions to prepare for final annexation of proposed parcels.
Consider Resolution adopting the CDBG 2014 Annual Action Plan and authorizing the Mayor to sign all documents for transmittal to U.S. Dept. of HUD and for acceptance and implementation of the grant.
Consider award for professional design service contract to ESPA for the park and ride facility at IH-45 and FM 2854.
Consider approval for purchase of new switches for the City’s networking infrastructure (DIR Contract # - DIR-SDD-1364).
14. Consideration of Board and Commission absences. 15. Consideration of appointments of Planning Commission members. 16. Consideration of Financial Status Report for Lone Star Convention and Expo. 17. Consideration of Minutes of Council Meetings held April 23 & 24, 2014, May 21, 2014 Special Meeting and May 21 & 22, 2014. 18. Consideration of payment of statements. Adjourn.