Approve Resolution requesting additional time to review and study the full impact of the proposed Houston Area Groundwater Model (HAGM).
Approval of a Development Agreement with Johnny Lance Bingham to defer the annexation of 3.244 acres of land in the Martin P. Clark Survey. Said property to hold the City of Conroe’s extraterritorial jurisdiction status and be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, which places certain restrictions upon the property.
Approval of a Development Agreement with Michael and Vonda Bingham to defer the annexation of 5.491 acres (tract one) and 5.492 acres (tract two) totaling 10.983 acres of land in the Martin P. Clark Survey. Said property to hold the City of Conroe’s extraterritorial jurisdiction status and be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, which places certain restrictions upon the property.
Approval of a Development Agreement with Larry B. Noskrent to defer the annexation of two parcels of land totaling 18.25 acres in the Martin P. Clark Survey. Said property to hold the City of Conroe’s extraterritorial jurisdiction status and be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, which places certain restrictions upon the property.
Approval of a Digital Billboard Conversion Agreement between the City and Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. for the conversion of an existing static billboard located on I-45 North.
Approval of Change Order for Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Blanket Purchase Order.
Consider action to award the bid for FY 2013-2014 water treatment chemicals for the Public Works Department.
Consider action to award the bid for FY 2013-2014 crushed concrete and other road base materials.
Consider action to award the bid for FY 2013-2014 annual fuel contract for the City’s Fleet.
Ordinance approving an updated Service and Assessment Plan for Woodmark Public Improvement District.
Recess Open Meeting in order to conduct Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance assessing the costs of certain public improvements located in sections two and three of the Woodmark Public Improvement District. • Conduct hearing and receive comments Reconvene Open Meeting.
Ordinance approving an assessment roll for Woodmark Public Improvement District sections two and three.
Resolution authorizing the Woodloch Health Facilities Development Corporation to provide revenue bond financing for a health facilities project in the corporate limits of the City of Conroe, Texas.
Approve Resolution requesting additional time to review and study the full impact of the proposed Houston Area Groundwater Model (HAGM).
Approval of a Development Agreement with Johnny Lance Bingham to defer the annexation of 3.244 acres of land in the Martin P. Clark Survey. Said property to hold the City of Conroe’s extraterritorial jurisdiction status and be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, which places certain restrictions upon the property.
Approval of a Development Agreement with Michael and Vonda Bingham to defer the annexation of 5.491 acres (tract one) and 5.492 acres (tract two) totaling 10.983 acres of land in the Martin P. Clark Survey. Said property to hold the City of Conroe’s extraterritorial jurisdiction status and be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, which places certain restrictions upon the property.
Approval of a Development Agreement with Larry B. Noskrent to defer the annexation of two parcels of land totaling 18.25 acres in the Martin P. Clark Survey. Said property to hold the City of Conroe’s extraterritorial jurisdiction status and be subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, which places certain restrictions upon the property.
Approval of a Digital Billboard Conversion Agreement between the City and Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. for the conversion of an existing static billboard located on I-45 North.
Approval of Change Order for Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District Blanket Purchase Order.
Consider action to award the bid for FY 2013-2014 water treatment chemicals for the Public Works Department.
Consider action to award the bid for FY 2013-2014 crushed concrete and other road base materials.
Consider action to award the bid for FY 2013-2014 annual fuel contract for the City’s Fleet.
Ordinance approving an updated Service and Assessment Plan for Woodmark Public Improvement District.
Recess Open Meeting in order to conduct Public Hearing on proposed Ordinance assessing the costs of certain public improvements located in sections two and three of the Woodmark Public Improvement District. • Conduct hearing and receive comments Reconvene Open Meeting.
Ordinance approving an assessment roll for Woodmark Public Improvement District sections two and three.
Resolution authorizing the Woodloch Health Facilities Development Corporation to provide revenue bond financing for a health facilities project in the corporate limits of the City of Conroe, Texas.